How It Works

How we can get it right for you the first time

Step 0

Contact us for a free trial

We love to hear from you. One of the best way to determine quickly if we can help you is to email us a sample document to test. What we’ll do is to process your document, capture the data you want and save it into the data warehouse.

From the data warehouse, you can access the data, chart it and click back to source document to verify every data point.

If you feel we may be able to help, let us know what you need. There is absolutely no obligation on your part if you feel otherwise.

Step 1

Tell Us What You Need

Once you decided that we can help, let us know the type of documents you want to capture data from (i.e. invoice, P.O., forms, spreadsheets etc).

What is the data you need from these documents.

How do you need the data arranged in tables. (i.e. all invoices data in one table)

Step 2

Gather The Documents

Once you’ve decided to work with us, all you need to do is to gather the documents.

For paper & PDF documents, you don’t even need to separate, categorize or rename the files. Our A.I. will be able to identify each document.

For paper documents, we just need you to scan them.

Step 3

Give Us The Documents

We will provide you with a Firegent Qwikidata account.

We will also provide you with a Dropbox folder to drop the documents into.

If preferred, we can provide Microsoft OneDrive folder as an alternative.

The received documents will be processed and automatically deleted from the folder.

Step 4

We'll Process Them

Your documents will be processed according to your requirements.

All data will automatically be set to the respective formats (i.e. date, number, text etc)

Each data will automatically be assigned to the correct columns in their respective table.

All data from the same documents will be grouped together.

Step 5

We'll Validate Accuracy

To ensure data acuracy, our validation team will double check the captured data

To protect privacy, the validation team does not have access to your agregated data.

The validation team does not have access to your validated data.

Step 6

You Access The Data

All data captured will be available to your Firegent Qwikidata account.

Data will be organized based on your requirement.

This is where you and your team start to create actionable insights with the data.

All processed data will be automatically updated to the correct tables and previously saved charts & analytics.